Whatcom Family Recovery Court - Whatcom County Therapeutic Courts
Family Recovery Court (FRC) is a voluntary & non-adversarial program offered as an alternative to the standard dependency case process. The collaborative FRC team serves each participant's individual needs. The team speeds access to substance use and mental health treatment services, parenting support, and other needed services. FRC increases the participants' accountability by holding frequent compliance hearings, dependency review hearings and requiring candor with the Court. The FRC Commissioner regularly review participant progress, talks with the participants regarding their struggles and successes, and provides rewards for progress and responses for rule infractions.
Physical Address
316 Lottie St, Bellingham, WA 98225
Hearings on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month.
Application process
If you are interested in Joining FRC, speak with your attorney, DCYF case worker, GAL, or Family Recovery Court staff.
Agency info
Whatcom County Therapeutic Courts
Therapeutic Courts are specialized courts that give the opportunity for a participant to engage in a closely monitored program to address the reasons for their involvement in the criminal justice system as a way to build lasting whole person health and recovery, with the goal of having their charges dismissed and avoiding further involvement with the criminal legal system.